Journeys in Japan Season 9 Episode 17

The Tsugaru area of Aomori Prefecture has long been known as one of Japan’s top districts for developing sumo wrestlers. Since the first national sumo arena opened in 1909 in Tokyo’s Ryogoku district, the 69 wrestlers from the prefecture have reached the top division – more than any other area of Japan. There are a number of reasons for this. In winter, Tsugaru receives heavy snowfalls, so people tend to focus on indoor sports, such as sumo. At the same time, the people of Tsugaru are noted for their patience and perseverance, qualities that are prized in sumo. On this episode of Journeys in Japan, American translator B.T travels to the Tsugaru area to watch young sumo wrestlers in action. He is shown around a museum that celebrates the local people’s passion for the sport. He also takes in the majestic view from the top of Mt. Iwaki, and visits a museum exhibiting gigantic neputa festival floats.

Episode Title: Tsugaru: Amateur Sumo, Indomitable Tradition

Air Date: 2018-07-10